4 important tips to care for metal braces

4 important tips to care for metal braces

Technological advancements aside, traditional metal braces are still an effective method of achieving an even smile. But without proper care, metal braces can get damaged, which may cause harm to your teeth and disrupt your treatment process. If you or your child is undergoing orthodontic treatment using traditional metal braces, make sure you maintain the braces properly and avoid doing anything that damages them. In this article, we have explained how you can care for your metal braces.

Use dentist-prescribed oral hygiene products

The moment you put your braces on, your orthodontist will prescribe to you the best type of toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash to use regularly until the treatment is complete. It is advisable to purchase only the prescribed products as certain oral hygiene products contain abrasive or harsh ingredients that can damage your metal braces. Some mouthwash has bright red or green dyes, and using them will likely discolor the metal parts or the removable elastic of your braces. So, you must avoid buying such products and stick to what your orthodontist has prescribed.

Brush multiple times and properly

Brushing your teeth after every meal is crucial. It ensures that food debris stuck in the brackets or wires are removed. If you can’t brush your teeth right after meals, make sure to, at least, rinse your mouth with water to remove loose food particles. Also, you need to brush your teeth carefully so that you don’t break the metal wires or dislodge a bracket. A toothbrush with soft bristles won’t damage the braces, even when you apply gentle pressure. Brushing in multiple angles is also very important to successfully remove all of the debris stuck in your teeth, brackets, and wires.

Don’t forget to floss at least once each day

Whether you have braces or not, flossing every day is very important to prevent tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, and even bad breath. However, when you have braces on, you must buy the specific type of floss recommended by your orthodontist and learn to floss the right way. It is helpful to stand in front of your mirror while flossing. You need to use your fingers to get the floss thread in between your teeth or under the wires and avoid pulling it while it is there. And, don’t forget to rinse your mouth thoroughly after flossing to get rid of all the loose debris.

Steer clear of foods that can damage your braces

To protect the wires and brackets of your metal braces, you must avoid certain foods. Orthodontists usually tell patients to avoid eating anything hard, chewy, sticky, and crunchy. These include nuts, sticky candies, popcorn, fibrous veggies, bagels, corn chips, peanut butter, tough meat, and whole raw fruits. Sugary foods and drinks may cause permanent staining and decay around the brackets, so they must also be avoided.