Beginner’s guide to installing, maintaining, and replacing water heaters

Beginner’s guide to installing, maintaining, and replacing water heaters

A water heater is an electrical device used to obtain hot water in bathrooms and other necessary water outlets. These devices need to be handled by professionals working with such equipment during installation or maintenance. Enough precautions must be taken when handling water heaters by yourself to avoid injury or an improper installation.


Water heaters are sensitive electrical devices that require a lot of care and maintenance to make sure they function smoothly. Here are some general things to keep in mind when maintaining water heaters.

  • Install a timer
    While geysers and water heaters are quite handy to have at home, regular use of such gadgets is extremely harmful to nature and uses up a lot of energy. With a timer, the heater will be turned off automatically after a specific amount of time, saving you quite a bit on your electricity bill and conserving electricity.
  • Drain the water heater tank
    The water tank present inside the water heater gathers a lot of gunk and sedimentation over a period. This residue left behind in the tank is responsible for making the heater less effective by obstructing the process of heating, resulting in the heater being used for longer than necessary. This costs you more in the long run. Regularly draining out the tank and replacing it can help prolong your water heater’s life.
  • Lower the temperature

Reducing your thermostat setting by 10-20 degrees does not cause a big difference when it comes to the heated water. On the other hand, this slight change can save you quite a few dollars on your electricity consumption and prolong your water heater’s life by reducing the amount of sedimentation and mineral buildup caused due to scalding water.

Installation, repair, and replacement

Here are some helpful tips and instructions to remember when installing, repairing, or replacing water heaters on your own.

  • Take safety precautions
    Working with electricity without any expert supervision or experience is extremely hazardous to health and is not recommended. Ensure you have taken all the necessary safety precautions required before you work with any electrical appliance on your own, regardless of how many times you have done it already. It is essential to take proper precautions while installing the heater. It is also vital to ensure that the heater is installed correctly to prevent unwanted accidents.
  • Making sure you have the right tools
    Once you have decided to install or replace a water heater on your own, the most crucial thing to do is make sure you have all the necessary tools and equipment needed to effectively carry out the task. Specific essential tools and materials may include pipe wrenches, tape measures, a tubing cutter, a wire cutter, voltage testers, and a soldering torch. Ensure you have all the necessary water pipes, fittings, and valves needed before you start the installation process.
  • Make sure you follow a reliable and accurate set of instructions
    Once you have everything you need, it is time to get to work. The person responsible for installing or replacing the water heater must know what they are doing without any doubt. If this happens to be your first time replacing or installing a water heater on your own, it is better to do it under the observation and guidance of an expert, to prevent any discrepancies in the process.